Saturday, May 26, 2012

Baby update- 23 Weeks!

How far along? 23 weeks- the baby is the size of a large mango now!

Maternity clothes? I feel super restricted in my normal clothes (except for stretchy dresses), so I am going to say yes to maternity clothes!  When else can you poke your belly out without feeling like you need to go to the gym?!  Plus, they are WAY more comfy.  I feel like I can eat for days in those pants- haha

Stretch marks? Not that I have noticed?

Best moment this week:  Even though I feel like a beached whale already, Robby continues to tell me how beautiful I am to him *blush*

Miss Anything?  I miss being able to sleep on my back and the process of getting comfy quickly.  I also miss being able to lift and move whatever I want when I want to.  My memory is something else that I miss- I feel like I am super scatter-brained these days!

Movement: Yes!  I feel like all baby girl McGowen likes to do is sleep, but I have felt her so much more recently.  It is so hard to explain the feeling- she just likes to give me these random jabs throughout the day.  It is so sporadic that Robby hasn't gotten a chance to feel her yet- I can't wait for that moment!

Food cravings: I am ashamed to admit this but french fries.  I know- no source of nutrition, but they are just so darn tasty!  Cheese is my other source of constant food- at least that has calcium and protein, right?

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.  Early on, the idea of cooking raw meat was so repulsive, but I have slowly gotten over that complex.  I have not thrown up once throughout the pregnancy. I got super nauseous and nothing sounded good during the first trimester, but I think my appetite is back in full force now.  Bring on the food!

Have you started to show yet: Yes, it is about time! I still think I just look fat instead of pregnant, but this week I feel like I am starting to pop more- yay!

Gender: GIRL!  We are so excited for the joys that a little girl is going to bring us.  I am so thrilled to snuggle,  play dress-up, and put bows all over that sweet girl's head!

Labor Signs: Nope nope.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? On- not swollen yet.

Energy levels: I was doing really well for awhile, feeling normal almost - but, this week, it has been back to being lethargic and sleepy when I get home from work. I've been wiped out, but it might be from the fact that we moved this past weekend.  I have the daunting task of unpacking and organizing the house.

Looking forward to: Nesting!!  I just bought the baby bedding, and I can't wait to start decorating/putting together the nursery.  However, I have a lot of unpacking to do before then, but I will conquer...eventually!

Robby got me beautiful flowers to celebrate being half way through pregnancy! Woo-hoo!

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